Witkacy: Caught In the Middle
An interwar Polish artist not widely known in the West but perhaps he should be.
My Inner World: The Daytime Edition
This is my daytime visual aesthetic. Because im an electronics repairer, duh.. :p Plus a ramble on my uni days and studies.
The Get-Back-To-Bloody-Work Greyscape of March
Welcome to Hellbourne. (Stealing that phrase from David Llewelyn Smith, apologies Dave…)
Sonic 3: The MJ Saga
For the 90s Sega fans, this is the great blue whale of all online conspiracy theories.
You Can’t Change The Past You Grew Up With
…and you can’t be expected to know everything about everyone in advance.
The Downfall Of Money
A book about life in the hyper-inflationary era of early 1920s Germany, with a cameo from a painter who lived through it.
Driven Over The Edge
A painting of a forgotten terrorist from a few years ago. Painted late 2010s, Finally being varnished.
Sonic 2: The Spark That Started my Video Gaming Years
… And arguably, my art years (which are still ongoing). This was my blue-pill era. A childhood in the 1990s.
Hallmark Holiday
Yesterday was Valentines Day: Feb 14th.
But for me, it’ll always be the day I got my P Plates in 2006.
Thus, it is also my licence expiry/renewal date.
Aluminium Foil: Friend of Artists and Survivalists alike
Aluminium Foil is one of those items with never-ending uses. I’ll go through some of them.
Jared Diamond: Collapse
A historic look at the end times as it has occurred previously in other places.
Know Your Paint Tubes
Red Oxide was the hero of the morning’s session. This article is about how to read tubes and labelling.
Night Mode: The Hack That Will CHange Your LIfe
If I could tell the whole planet to do one thing, apart from to go f*** itself, it would be this.
“Hey mate, you drive like a prat”
So said a gentleman to me this morning, to which i responded:
“Yeah? Well you look like a prat!”.
And indeed he did. We shall discuss…
Uploaded some more paintings. Cheesy Horror themes.
Uploaded some more paintings. The cataloguing is a mess, the titles are hit and miss. I don’t have time to fix up everything. But I’ll talk abit about this one for starters.