Name: Michael Kot

Alias: Kozmo Kat

Occupation: Oil Painter, Drawer, Electronics Technician, Photo-Manipulator, Documenter, Cultural Critic, History Enthusiast, Art Enthusiast, White Trash, Sophisticate, Wellness Coach, Consultant, Commentator. DIYer

Likes to wear: Black and Boots.

Likes to eat: Meat and Veg.

Background: Polish-Australian

Born: October 22 1987. Melbourne, Australia, Planet Earth


Born in Melbourne and, incredibly, after everything that went down, still lives there. Kot is Polish for cat, hence the site’s name.

It was 2-3 days after the Stock Market Crash of 1987, AKA Black Monday. It was also the Year of the Cat in the Vietnamese Zodiac (which is just as good as the Chinese Zodiac and less authoritarian). Sometimes it’s as though the cosmos has put you in a specific time and place with a job to do. And you are doing what you are meant to do and don’t even realise it.

Survivor of the world’s longest lockdown.

Never got the jab, lost a job for it.

Dissident in the world’s wokest art scene.

Never got a job in the arts for it.

The future is here, and the past is still with us. The journey has been long and exhausting, and now is a good time to share learnings, experiences and creations with the world.

Updated: 14//03/2025


KontaKt us

Write in, Ask me anything. I’ll try to answer. Let me know if you want me to attempt to answer something publicly (ie on the blog or in video), i’ll see if I can oblige. Anything nasty will get ignored.


Please don’t be that person. Kindly let me know, in your most polite manner possible, what the problem was with something I have written/published, and we will try to work it out. Don’t just swing your lawyer at me. I know I’m a Victorian, and everything here is against the law, but understand that I don’t make public works out of malice, that we’re all broke, the laws are unenforceable, the jails are full, the country really is being colonised by hostile foreign powers and you may end up looking like more of a twat than when you started out, and for practically no financial gain. Think it through, have a tea before clicking send, and understand that you’ll probably still be alive and well regardless of outcome.