Night Mode: The Hack That Will CHange Your LIfe
Navigate to this screen in your Settings. just use the search bar and search for “Night Mode/Light”
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for a life-changing event.
If you go to your device settings, and switch on Night Mode you will turn the colour-cast of your screen from green-blue to warm-yellow.
This saved me from needing glasses.
You can do it on all devices and set the timer have it running like this all day. Eg: start it at 7am and have it end at 6:59am. SO it goes off for about a minute then comes back on.
Don’t waste your money on tinted screen protectors.
THis can be done on Android or Apple devices. Pretty much on any phone, tablet or laptop from the last 10 years, or even older.
Changing the cast to yellow will relax your eyes. You will sleep better at night but also be more relaxed during the day. Especially if you need to be on-screen alot for work. The human eye has evolved to see light on the yellow/orange spectrum. This is how sunlight, firelight, earth colours.
Don’t feed your money into the pig-trough of Big Optometry. I’ve told randos to do this and they have said its been a game-changer.
You can also relax your eyes with home sensory-deprivation techniques. Basically you cup your hands over your open eyes while sitting in a darkroom or outside at night, and do this for a few minutes, slowly moving your eyes around. This relaxes the built-up muscle strain and recalibrates their focal planes. Staring at the night sky and over distant outside horizons in daytime is also well advised. The focal adjustment of your eyes need exercise. Your eye is basically a muscle. It can be worked on, it also needs to destress.
A lot of people wear glasses because something was wrong one day and they went to an optometrist, who’s primary interest is in securing you as a customer. Naturally their solution is glasses, then different glasses for different things (sunglasses, reading glasses, fancy glasses, cheapo glaases, hi-impact glasses). All this does is lock in your focal-plane distortion. Sooner or later you need to up the prescription further. And voila, you are on their books forever.
Learn to relax your eyes instead. See how it works. Imagine your eyeball being a fist. If its always clenched, you’ll get muscle sprain. Learn to relax them,
I picked up this info from the pop Neuroscientist Norman Doidge in his two books “The brain that changes itself” and “The brains way of healing.” It’s all in one chapter of one of those books. He said these techniques were performed by TIbetan monks or something, and it correlates with his own studies and medical practice. The brain interprets visual information from the eye, The brain can change as it is plastic, so you can recover damaged eyesight to a degree.
I’m not a doctor and this is not professional advice. But it’s no harm to try those exercises at home.