The Get-Back-To-Bloody-Work Greyscape of March

Summer is over. Back to work (I only had two weeks off).

Grey, overcast, bad traffic, ugly bridge. ugly city. Shitty and rude drivers. Tailgaters. Too many trucks. Takes too long to get anywhere. You don’t ever really save money. there doesn’t seem much point in planning for a future here but for some reason you are stuck and can’t get out. Labor are still in power because everybody is stupid.

This is how it is and always is. Endlessly endlessly. No change, just getting slightly worse with every passing day, week, month, year.

This morning I had a flat rear-rightside tyre for some reason. I went to the nearest servo to pump it up and their air hose wouldn’t work properly. Thankfully I had a manual foot-pump which I purchased from Supacheap Auto and has lived in my boot for years. It’s been called into service not for the first time.

The hero of the morning and a great investment. Cost me about $15. I’ll be sure to give it a better tribute in another article.

I just realised it has a mini-needle accessory so theoretically it could also pump the soccer ball at home. That’s great because I’ve been thinking of getting back into solo-soccer and didn’t want to fork out on a pump.

So let’s hear it for the foot pump.

Welcome to the start of March.


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