Outsider Art, Back In The Day
The battles between the outsiders and the insiders has always been around and represented in visual art. I essentially judge works on their individual merits. Both can be good, both can be bad (or criminal). Either way, they reflect values. In this article, I look at Kings Way. A book on Melbourne Graffiti in The 1980s/90s.
The Superbowl Is Shit
Gridiron is boring, all the best rockers are too old to play half-time, I hate Taylor Swift. Are the ads still a thing? A quick tour of bygone spectator sports good and bad.
Tools Of The Art Trade: The Easel
Mine have taken a smashing over the years, yours will too.
Tools Of The E-Trade: The Phillips-Head Screwdriver
Three cheers for standardisation (sorta…).
Accuracy Is Overrated
One thing I like about the really old visual arts is how they compromised representational accuracy with imagination and still made it all work. I’ll take a look at this painting in particular to tell you what I mean.
Living in a fucked country
A personal vibe shift to match the global vibe shift. (aka Why I’m doing this).